Entries by SIRA IT Manager

Last chance to tell Council what to do!

Council have extended their feedback period for their 2020-2024 Delivery Plan. This is your chance to let council know what needs to be done by them.

SIRA is requesting that you add your personal voice to council as the more responses, the more will be done. SIRA will continue to

Council Seeking Feedback on ANYTHING

Please take a moment to appreciate the gravity of this message!

The Northern Beaches Council are currently seeking feedback on their 2020 – 2024 delivery plan and thus, the proposed works. This actually means something VERY SIGNIFICANT. 

They want to know what does the community want money spent on and

SIRA News – June

Hello Islanders!

Welcome to the SIRA newsletter for June. 

Has the island ever been more abuzz on a daily basis than it has for the past 3 months, with so mamy of us just staying home? How lucky we are to be told to stay at home here. 

SIRA sends

Notice of Proposed Works



As part of the upgrades to Bell Wharf and Carols Wharf, the Northern Beaches Council has scheduled further geotechnical investigations which will be undertaken on:

Carols Wharf: Thursday 4 June 2020, 8:00-16:00

Bell Wharf: Friday 5 June 2020, 9:00-17:00

The works will require

Water System Phase 3 Live!

We are pleased to let you know that phase 3 is live with more than 30 users, getting water, using it so far!

The Zoom sessions we conducted over the past 2 weeks were successful, with over 70 people joining the 30 minute sessions to see the explanation and ask