SIRA News:

Tree Maintenance Notification: Restrictions on parking at Church Point car park 4 May 2022 NBC has sent out a notice to shops to alerting them that sections of the car park will be unavailable for parking. The first…

SIRA News:

.# Carols and Bell Wharves update: communication from NBC Some Scotland Island residents have received the following email. To assist you in finding information, the SIRA Wharves Subcommittee have added information…

SIRA News:

Carols and Bell Wharves Update It is expected that there will be an update from Northern Beaches Council in regard to Carols and Bell wharves in the coming week(s). This update will be communicated on the NBC website,…

SIRA News:


SIRA News:

Power outage announcement Just in case you missed the notification hand delivered by Ausgrid yesterday,  there will be a power outage on 20 April. Dear resident,…

SIRA News:

.# There is a lot happening in the park tomorrow! BBQ and coffee from 10 am, the Graham Crayford Memorial Run or Walk from 9:20 (registrations essential), the chance to buy Water Access Only books, and for newcomers,…