Roy Baker

I have lived at the top of Scotland Island for 10 years and have served as Secretary and general committee member for two of those years. I am a member of the Fire Brigade. I am an academic lawyer with concerns about SIRA's exposure to liability,…

Iza Foster

I have lived on the island for 15 years, have been involved in community matters for a number of those years, including writing feedback submissions to council with respect to things such as the car park and island roads. I have been a SIRA…

Phil Pryor

I've been one of the Vice President's for the last year. I've lived on the island for 7 years and am keen to see SIRA working effectively for the community and delivering real world outcomes. Nominated for: Vice President, Committee Memb…

Marie Minslow

I have lived on Scotland Island for over 20 years both at the top of the island and on the water. I love the island life, our natural environment and the diverse community that makes this place special. I want our island life to be sustainable…

Hubert van Mierlo

I have been on the Island for 11 years. Over the past 2 years I have been on the SIRA Committee and helped improving SIRA's efficiency, communication and transparency. My contributions resulted in our new website and now our membership system…

Sharon Kinnison

I am a retired teacher/Senior Educator of Pittwater's Coastal Environment Centre. My role included program management targeting community catchment & sustainability education. I am a CFR for the fire brigade & a Bushcare volunteer/…