MEDIA RELEASE 30 MARCH 2015 (by C. Goold and J. Fox)

Yamba Protest 30 March 2015More than 70 Scotland Island residents gathered on the beach on the weekend at the iconic Yamba Estate to protest against a highly controversial commercial development on Scotland Island.

The proposal claims to be a new dwelling but closer inspection clearly demonstrates its integration with the existing property at Yamba. The resulting 14 bedroom resort, corporate retreat or training facility, as it has been variously described, is to be used for short-term stays by business executives.

“This is not a family home, this is not residential. It is a commercial development and clearly does not meet Council’s E3 zoning guidelines,’ said Scotland Island resident and Yamba neighbour Chris Goold. “These guidelines include a requirement to provide for low density, residential development in keeping with the land form and not visually prominent. It does none of these.”

With more than 15 formal letters of objection already lodged with the Pittwater Council, and another 35 to be delivered, yesterday’s protest of leading community members sends a clear message to Council members that this development application is completely unacceptable and should not be allowed to proceed.

“Scotland Island is an Environmental Management Zone with only residential accommodation allowed. This building is termed variously as a resort, corporate retreat and training facility and will be occupied by different people all the time that will come for short stays and go. They will  not care about or be a part of the community, ” said Western foreshore resident, Jennifer Knox who addressed the group.

“Apart from residential status, local residents are particularly concerned about the size, bulk, scale and design. The towering three-storey frontage, dwarfs the turn of the century Yamba homestead. The new building will have floor space more than 750 square metres, is not sympathetic to the landform, not low density and definitely would be visually prominent across Pittwater. The building is too large for the site but they are asking for exemption based on architectural merits.”

Yamba Protest 30 March 2015Ms Knox also confirmed many residents’ concerns about the wastewater and wastewater management plan.

“How will this site possibly deal with the waste water of so many visitors?”  Not only is the Wastewater management Report based on a variety of optimistic assumptions, its main dispersal site is a 25 metre long trench that approaches within 10 metres of the foreshore.  Foreshore soils are not suitable for absorption and leakage of effluent into Pittwater is highly likely.

“The residence is subject to a development application that is being processed by Council under delegated authority. It is a clever application that is set up in the guise of a single dwelling however very clearly is a commercial development. The residents are urging council to not just assess the DA in terms of point by point compliance and variation, but to look at the big picture here. It has the potential of another Currawong-like reaction and, if approved, it sets a very disturbing precedence for all of Pittwater,” Ms Knox said.

For further information or to speak with Chris Goold or Jennifer Knox please contact

Chris Goold  0438 695 129

Jennifer Knox 0404 863 919

1 reply
  1. Paulo Tadeu Guerra Filho
    Paulo Tadeu Guerra Filho says:

    Hi, this is Paulo, I’m from Brazil. In 2006/2007 when I lived in Sydney I took care of the garden of this huge house. Spent entire days there mowing the lawn and trimming the plants. A house of this size but lifeless, almost always with no one using the house, always called my attention. Today researching Scotland Island I found this article from 8 years ago. Congratulations to the residents of the island for the attitude! This place is a paradise and an incredible energy, it must certainly be preserved.
    I hope one day I can visit this paradise again and show it to my children.
    A big hug to everyone. 🙂


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