NBN Latest

This week NBN installers will be bringing over equipment to commence installations to the home next week commencing Monday 15th. Please refer to the NBN installation notice sent out to all residents explaining everything. All houses will…

Voices of Mackellar

(Letter reproduced from Voices of Mackeller) Please join the conversation I am writing to invite the members of Scotland Island Residents Assoc (SIRA) to participate in a ground-breaking community project – Voices of Mackellar – designed…

Bulky Goods Collection

Council collection of bulky goods begins on Scotland Island this Monday 8 February. Please dismantle large items. For details on what you can and can't put out for collection please click on the link. Button …

Pump Update

Thompson Pumps who are installing the pump have advised us that they expect to start in the next two weeks. As soon as we know the exact date we will let you know. Work to repair the platform at Bells has to be completed before the pump…

Buggy Inspection Information

Technical Issue Apology - Inspection Link Unfortunately, due to technical issues of the system removing the last "/" on the previously emailed link to the inspection booking page, previous links have been broken. Apologies for these…