SIOCS is Enrolling for 2016

Child Care Rebate/Child Care Benefit approved: up to 50% rebate Share in our unique surroundings, create friendships and community. We have an inspired and committed team dedicated to making our service the best place for our children. The…
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At the Council meeting held Monday December 7, the decision to proceed with going to tender (next week) for the construction of additional parking infrastructure including the road re-alignment, new walkway was approved. What was also discussed: a)     …
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New Church Point Carpark Changes to Parking Conditions

Below is a letter from SIRA and WPCA to Council and sent to Councillors - please note the amended motion for the meeting on 7 December at the end. Re: New Church Point Carpark/Changes to Parking Conditions in Local Streets - the Devil is…

Tim Jacobs

I have lived on Scotland Island for three years and have been an active member of the Roads and Drains Sub-committee, and the Parks and Reserves Sub-committee. I am interested in consultation and cooperation achieving improvements in amenity,…

Bill Gye

As President of SIRA, I have been involved with issues which are now at a crucial stage of development. I have a background on these issues and believe that I can contribute to the achievement of positive outcomes for our community. Nominated…

Cass Gye

As a resident since 1977 I have a wealth of knowledge on Island matters. The Island needs improvements to infrastructure, care of our environment and community consultation to make important decisions. I want to work with a positive team to…