
Proposed development at Yamba

Pittwater Council has given notice of an application to build at Yamba, the large property in the north-western sector of Scotland Island. Details of the application can be found here: http://portal.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/Pages/XC.Track/SearchApplication.aspx?id=228296 The…
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Pittwater Council to introduce Wharf Ranger

The SIRA Committee received a [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=220 linktext='letter ' /]from Mark Ferguson, General Manager, Pittwater Council dated 16 February outlining a plan to introduce a dedicated Wharf Ranger. This Ranger will cover the…
Photo: Hubert van Mierlo

AGM 2015 Report

The AGM this year took place in the Fire Station and was attended by over 60 members. This report contains some highlights of the meeting. New Committee There was a ballot for the two positions for Vice President. The ballot was recorded electronically…

Hubert van Mierlo

As a resident since 2004, I have followed with interest discussions on the important issues for our diverse community. As a committee member in 2014, I have worked tirelessly on increased transparency and improved community engagement and communications.…