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Island Community Q&A Coffee Session

The SIRA Committee would like to invite you for an informal Q & A over coffee and cake Sunday, October 12 from 10 am in the Community Hall.  Come and share your thoughts and ask any questions about Island issues, from Church Point parking,…

Bill Gye Radio Interview

On the day of the announcement of the results of the Scotland referendum on independence, SIRA’s president Bill Gye received a phone call from ABC Tasmania wanting to know if there is appetite for independence on our Island too. Bill does…
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Update on Harold Reserve – Carols Wharf Access

Pedestrian access to Harold Reserve and Carols Wharf, is by a path and stairs from the road way. An unmade pathway through the reserve was created some time ago and over time, with additional use by quad bikes and motorbikes, hasbecome severely…
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Cargo Users Meeting on Saturday September 27th on kayak storage racks for Cargo Wharf Beach Area

At a Community Forum in September last year a number of recommendations were put forward to rejuvenate the Cargo Wharf  and Leahvera Reserve  areas. The objective was to enhance and manage these areas for safe and enjoyable community use.…

Karmel has become a grandmother!

Karmel Patterson’s daughter Heather Clyne, who grew up on Scotland Island, gave birth to a baby girl named Daneekah (Dan-ee-kah) Karmel Hamilton on Wednesday 13 August 2014 at 5:36pm. She weighed 3.36kg  (7 pound 7 ounces) and measured 52…